Transition July 2022

We are really looking forward to your child visiting Don Valley Academy for their transition days next week.

Your child should arrive at the Academy via the Stonehill Rise entrance at 8.30 a.m. where they will be met by DVA staff.

At the end of the day at 2.30 p.m.  your child will leave the Academy via Stonehill Rise.

Students should arrive on both days, 13th and 14th July in their current school uniform.  They should arrive at the Stonehill Rise entrance at 8 30 and will exit here at 2 30. 

They will need to bring with them, their PE kit, pencil case/ equipment, Refillable water bottle and either a packed lunch or £2.30 per day for dinner (unless they are FSM).  Students should have received or will be receiving the transition project and we ask that they bring that with them too.

We look forward to meeting them all on Wednesday.

parents evening community