7th October 2022

Dear Parent/Carer

Information about Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE)

Today, in assembly as part of our wider curriculum, Jane McDonald of South Yorkshire Police delivered a talk on:

Child Criminal Exploitation

An explanation of how this issue effects children

Organised Criminal Gangs

Details of what are they and how do try to recruit and trap young people

Criminal exploitation

How to spot the signs, showing how gangs move from befriending to controlling

Controlling behaviour

Explaining what this is and how to spot it

Support and Advice

There is a great deal of help and advice from organisations that can assist you in discussing this topic with your child.  Below are a few excellent resources signposted by South Yorkshire Police and Doncaster Council. You can also call NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000 for further information and support or if you are worried about a child.

Yours sincerely

A Callaghan

Mrs A Callaghan

Vice Principal/Designated Safeguarding Officer.