Enrichment News

This week in Enrichment students started off by creating density towers in Science club which created lovely layers of gloop! 

This week in Spanish we focused on colours, incorporating live online quizzes and Snakes and Ladders into our learning.

Basketball club ran a friendly yet competitive tournament which brought out some hidden talents in our students.

Drama is finalising their rehearsals for the Academy’s winter show and Pride club identified the LGBTQ+ role models and film stars and had wonderful discussions!  

Retro Gaming club built retro games, and competed in a retro tournament challenge. Who remembers Sonic 1?

Science Discovery Crest have been designing handwashing basins to be used in a playground in Kenya. This must use local materials to build and rainwater as the water source. We have been testing ways to clean and sterilise water and we have done our research and planning session last week. This week we are doing a preliminary build of our models, and then our final building session next week, ready to present our designs.

We look forward to this coming week in which our Christmas enrichments start in the countdown to the holidays!