Tutor Time

Tutor time occurs each day at DVA with vital messages and sessions being shared with students.

Oracy has become a core component of Tutor Time at Don Valley Academy, as sessions are designed to encourage high quality discussion between students and challenge them to engage in meaningful discourse.

Within Tutor Time you have a well-designed curriculum which is implemented to support students in all subject areas. They will cover the following areas:

This is Culture

Developing knowledge and skills outside of timetabled lessons. Students will cover key people such as Mozart, Bach etc.

Word Of The Week

A literacy focus to aid development of vocabulary and the understanding of key vocabulary.


This session often covers key days and experiences on the calendar such as World Mental Health Day and Holocaust Memorial Day. This also further develops personal development opportunities, in which we cover key topics such as Protected Characteristics, British Values and Careers topics.

Votes For Schools

This is a session which allows students the opportunity to debate current topics. It encourages collaborative experiences in school along with a  chance for student voice. By voting each week, opinions are shared and are  considered around school.

Silent Reading at KS3

To encourage and develop their love for reading students are encouraged to complete silent reading of their reading routes books each Wednesday in Years 7-9
