PE & Sport

Key Stage 3

In year 7, 8 and 9 students will focus on improving their physical, social and emotional wellbeing through an engaging range of sport and physical activities. Development of student’s physical literacy is key, with students assessed on the attitudes, skills and knowledge or becoming happy, healthy and successful people through PE. This is achieved through experiencing a range of sporting activities within specific areas (invasion, net-wall, performing at maximum, accurate replication and striking and fielding).

Key Stage 4

In years 10 and 11 students will continue to develop their confidence, motivation, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life. This is done by ensuring lessons are both engaging and purposeful. This is achieved through experiencing a range of sporting activities within specific areas (invasion, net-wall, performing at maximum, accurate replication, non-traditional and striking and fielding). 

Students selecting BTEC TEC AWARD in SPORT as a vocational pathway will be assessed on leadership, practical sports performance, psychology of sport and the body’s response to exercise amongst other options. This is all achieved by teaching theoretical content through and alongside high quality practical PE.

We believe that students deserve a broad and ambitious Physical Education curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which develops physical, social and emotional well-being which prepares them well for future learning or employment. Our Physical Education curriculum will give students the opportunity to:

  • Develop a healthy life-long love of physical activity;
  • Experience a first class learning environment;
  • Be part of a team, and develop this well-being;
  • Experience a variety of opportunities and experience through sport and physical activity;
  • Gain leadership skills;
  • Develop physical, technical and tactical sporting skills.

Years 7-10